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Stressed about your child’s physical wellness and immunity in pandemic times? Learn from experts about the wonders kids yoga can do to boost your child’s immunity like never before! 

The speculations are high about the upcoming third wave of the pandemic and a potential threat to the young children’s health has already been predicted. In such times, the focus must be shifted to boost the immunity of children, and kids yoga is the best method to follow. Considering the need for a time when children can no longer wander freely outdoors, play at playgrounds; being at home performing yoga asanas and breathing exercises will not only keep them busy but also keep their energy high, aggression at bay, build stamina and strength, enhance their focus, and ensure their physical & mental wellbeing. 

kids yoga - A lady performing yoga and kid is playing at Shwetyoga Classes & Courses in Thane
kikids yoga

Our experienced and highly qualified yoga teachers at Shwet Yoga Classes ( in Thane west) have suggested these 6 asanas kids should practice daily to boost their immunity and overall physical, mental health- 

1) Paschimottanasana 

This seated forward bending pose calms the mind and helps relieve stress and mild depression. This asana is good for the nervous system and improves memory. It significantly reduces negative emotions like anger and irritability and energizes the whole body. It cures headaches and stomach pain. Provides a good stretch to hips, legs, and hamstring. 

kids toga at shwet yoga classes in thane west

2) Mandukasana 

Mandukasana or the frog pose keeps the heart healthy and removes colitis from the root. It gives relief from diabetes and constipation. Regular practice of this pose increases your lung capacity. It brings stillness to the body and encourages deep breathing & expansion of the lungs.   

kids toga at shwet yoga classes in thane west

3) Dhanurasana 

Dhanurasana is an incredible back bowing yoga pose for expanding and increasing spinal strength and adaptability. It stimulates the internal organs. This posture stretches the chest and strengthens the lungs, making it a very beneficial posture for those with asthma and respiratory issues.   

kids toga at shwet yoga classes in thane west

4) Matsyasana 

This yoga practice helps to balance and distribute the oxygen through enhanced blood circulation and stretches the lungs thus stimulates deep breathing. As this pose encourages deep breathing it gives relief from respiratory ailments. This asana gives a decent stretch to the muscles of the throat which makes it one of the useful activities to dispose of thyroid dysfunction.    

kids toga at shwet yoga classes in thane west

5) Vakrasana 

This asana increases the elasticity of the spine and relieves the vertebrae’s stiffness. It helps in the digestion and regular secretion of the digestive juices. It is a good way to warm up the body before practicing other yoga asanas.   

kids toga at shwet yoga classes in thane west

6) Setu bandhasana 

This yoga posture to support the immune system focuses on your thymus and invigorates it; which thusly improves your body’s instrument to battle diseases. It can likewise improve your blood flow and fortify the lungs. 

It stretches the hips, groin, chest, and shoulder regions. Alongside that, it extends the spine, opening it up. Rehearsing this asana or yoga pose discharges the strain from the lower back part. 

kids toga at shwet yoga classes in thane west

7) Surya namaskara 

Surya namaskar enhances the overall health especially the health of inner organs. Thus, it significantly improves the immunity system. The emphasis is given on the breath while performing each sequence. It opens up the chest, enhances lung capacity, and strengthens the respiratory system.    

kids toga at shwet yoga classes in thane west

Many breathing yoga practices and meditation techniques are also there which can be included in kids yoga sessions. Cleansing kriyas like Kapalbhati, pranayamas like bhramari, anulom vilom, and many such practices ensure good lung capacity and optimum oxygen supply throughout the body. 

Apart from boosting your child’s immunity, kids yoga practices can also help in correcting their body posture, enhancing their mind power and concentration, good memory retention, developing their social behavior. 

As early as the kids are encouraged for yoga the sooner and easily, they will adopt it and will be able to rip the benefits fully. To know how to encourage them for yoga read this article on kids yoga. It is very important that kids must perform yoga asanas under proper guidance and observation.   

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