
Yoga chakras are the energy centers of the body. They are the part of the subtle body that you can’t touch but just feel. It is referred to where your energy flows. And when the energy from one of the chakras gets blocked, it triggers physical, mental, and emotional distress.  

yoga chakras activation with shwet yoga courses and classes in thane west

The literal meaning of chakras is the “wheel”. These wheels represent the energy centers of the body. There are seven major chakras in the body that can be harmonized through meditation. Yoga has asanas that work to increase the flow of energy into a specific chakra. There are around 114 chakras in the body but 7 of them are the main chakras. Here Our yoga experts from Shwet Yoga Wellness Institute (Thane, West) have given insights into the importance, significance, symbol, representation of all 7 yoga chakras. 

1. Root Chakra 

Root chakra is also known as the Muladhara chakra is one of the seven primary yoga chakras in the body according to Hindu tantrism. It is located at the base of your spine. It is represented by a symbol containing a lotus with four petals and often with pink or red color. It provides a base or foundation for life, keeps you grounded, and makes you able to withstand the challenges of life. This chakra is significant for its ability to generate a sense of security and stability.  

yoga chakras activation with shwet yoga courses and classes in thane west
Source: Wikipedia

2. Sacral Chakra 

Sacral chakra or Svadhisthana chakra is the next significant chakra on our list. It is located just below the navel where the perineum is. It is represented by the vibrant orange color and is associated with the water element. It is believed to govern your sexual organs and kidneys. It is responsible for one’s sexual and creative energy. This chakra is linked to your emotional attachment with yourself and also with others. 

yoga chakras activation with shwet yoga courses and classes in thane west
Source: Wikipedia

3. Solar Plexus Chakra 

The third energy center of the body is the solar plexus chakra also known as the Manipura chakra. It is located at your stomach area, above the belly button up to the breastbone. It is associated with the Surya and represented with bright yellow color and an inverted triangle. Its role is to absorb and assimilate prana energy from Cosmos. It regulates the function of the pancreas and digestive organs. It is associated with boosting confidence and self-esteem, helping you gain control of your life.  

yoga chakras activation with shwet yoga courses and classes in thane west
Source: Wikipedia

4. Heart chakra 

The fourth primary chakra is the Heart or Anahata chakra. It is located at the heart, positioned at the center of your chest. Usually represented with the green color, it serves as the love for oneself, others, compassion, and empathy towards everyone. It is associated with unconditional love, compassion, and joy. The Sanskrit meaning for Anahata is – unhurt, unstruck, and unbeaten. 

yoga chakras activation with shwet yoga courses and classes in thane west
Source: Wikipedia

5. Throat Chakra 

The fifth yoga chakra is also known as the Vishuddha chakra is located in your throat, at the center of the Larynx. It is represented with color bright blue associating it with the vibrant energy. It is responsible for communication, self-expression, following truth, and divine association. Blocking of this chakra causes feelings of depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. 

yoga chakras activation with shwet yoga courses and classes in thane west
Source: Wikipedia

6. Third Eye Chakra 

The third eye chakra or its Sanskrit name ‘Ajna chakra’ means is “the seat of intuition”. It is located between your eyes, in the center of your head, parallel to the middle of your eyebrows. It is symbolized with the Om placed over an inverted triangle, positioned between two lotus petals. Spiritually it is the most important chakra. It provides wisdom and insight, deepening one’s spiritual connection. It is responsible for intuition, linked to the imagination.  

yoga chakras activation with shwet yoga courses and classes in thane west
Source: Wikipedia

7. Crown Chakra 

The last chakra from our list is the Crown chakra also known as the Sahasrara, “the bridge to the cosmos”. It is the most spiritual among all seven chakras. Located above the crown of your head it is represented with purple color and the divine circle and lotus flower. This symbol reminds us of our connection to Bramha, the god of creation. It represents the divine unity with the universe. It acts as the individual’s center of spirit, universal consciousness, and connection to higher guidance. 

yoga chakras activation with shwet yoga courses and classes in thane west
Source: WIkipedia

Yoga chakras refer to various energy centers in our body. And it is very necessary to make sure these centers are not blocked to ensure the regular flow of energy through these centers. Otherwise, it can lead to an imbalance in the body. Yoga asanas, meditation practices are the most useful way to unblock your energy chakras. Learn the techniques from the certified yoga instructor to activate your energy chakras and enjoy your life to its fullest! 

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