
Do you always feel lethargic and tired? Do you think that you are not energetic or inactive as compared to your counterparts? A daily 30-minute or less workout with these 12 yoga asanas will make you feel more energetic and less procrastinating, and help you regain the body-mind balance. 

Due to the enormous power of healing and nurturing, yoga asanas have been included in the fitness regime of most people all over the world. Though many people still feel that yoga is not an intensive workout, research has already proven that regular practicing yoga asanas help in everything including weight loss, muscle building, stamina and endurance improving, boosting digestion, and overall fitness, and soothing the mind. 

These are the highly recommended simple and beginner-friendly yoga asanas, that most of the yoga experts suggest, with their benefits. Try to practice them daily and see the difference! 

1. Surya Namaskaras

yoga asanas at shwet yoga classes in thane west

It is the ultimate yoga asana. Even if you perform 10 sets of Surya namaskar it is enough for the overall healthiness of your body. It is usually performed at the dawn but can be practiced at any time of the day. Generally performed at the beginning of the ashtanga yoga practice. All eight limbs are involved during the practice of Surya Namaskara. 

It helps in better functioning of the body along with improving mental health. Surya namaskar corrects body posture, promotes balance, regulates hormonal cycle, boosts your energy, increases blood circulation, strengthens the heart, builds muscles, tones your body, enhances immunity, gives you a strong respiratory system, and many more. 

2. Paschimottanasana

yoga asanas at shwet yoga classes in thane west

It is a forward bend in the seating position. It gives you an intense dorsal stretch. This is a classic pose from hatha yoga. It gives your whole back- from your spine, calves, hips to hamstring- a very good stretch.   

It calms the brain and relieves stress. It reduces anxiety and enhances a good mood. It stimulates kidney, liver function, and uterus. It soothes the symptoms of menopause and menstrual discomfort. It aids indigestion. 

3. Vrikshasana

yoga asanas at shwet yoga classes in thane west

It replicates the steady yet graceful stance of a tree. The body balancing act improves focus and determination. It builds single-mindedness, determination, and commitments towards your goal. Along with strengthening the legs, stretching the arms and spine, it improves concentration. 

4. Garudasana

yoga asanas at shwet yoga classes in thane west

It is known to improve the sense of balance. It improves the concentration and releases upper back tension. It stretches hips, thighs, shoulders, and spine. It loosens the tendons and joint muscles.   

5. Balasana

yoga asanas at shwet yoga classes in thane west

Balasana, also known as the child Pose, is, considered one of the most effective poses for people with sleep-related issues. The calmness and stability provided by this asana translate into sleep very quickly.  

It stimulates the Anahata chakra because it stretches the spine as you go down on your chest and stomach. this is often why the asana relaxes both your body and your mind, releasing all the dissipated energy. 

6. Bhujangasna

yoga asanas at shwet yoga classes in thane west

It is a beginner backbend yoga asana that prepares you for deeper back bending exercises. It is an essential pose in the surya namaskar and can be an alternative to the ardha mukha svanasana. It is known for its ability to increase the flexibility of the spine. It opens the shoulders and chest thus increasing the lungs’ capacity and is therapeutic in asthma. 

7. Gomukhasana

yoga asanas at shwet yoga classes in thane west

Gomukhasana or cow face pose is a seated pose usually used for meditation purposes. It stretches the thigh, thorax, hips, and ankle. It removes the stiffness from hips joints and improves the flexibility of the back. It improves kidney functioning and beneficial to those who are suffering from diabetes.   

8. Shalabhasana

yoga asanas at shwet yoga classes in thane west

This simple backbend stretch strengthens your entire back body, from neck to toes. It treats a wide range of problems including lower back pain, postural problems, weakness, or soreness anywhere around your back body, including hips and hamstrings. It strengthens the leg muscles thus reducing arthritis of the knees. Incorrect practice can cause cramps in the leg muscles or lower back so be conscious while performing this yoga asana or perform it under the guidance of a yoga teacher

9. Malasana

yoga asanas at shwet yoga classes in thane west

If there’s one yoga pose that’s included in every high-end yoga class, it’s Malasana (also referred to as Garland Pose or a yoga squat). Squats during this yoga pose provide quite amazing stretch to the groin area, opening the hips, and beginning to make space down there for easy passage of stools. Try to do the pose putting a blog under your seating bones for extra support. 

10. Sarvangasana

yoga asanas at shwet yoga classes in thane west

Sarvangasana or shoulder stand is often regarded as the extension of plow pose. It facilitates deep stretching of the neck and back that stimulates blood circulation as well as gets rid of all imbalances. Improves the function of the thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, and pituitary glands. All of the other endocrine glands are regulated by these main glands and so the overall function of the endocrine system is improved. As this yoga pose boosts metabolism rate it is effective in reducing belly fat also. 

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