* Iyengar Yoga
* Hatha Yoga
* Ashtang Yoga
* Power Yoga
* Vinyasa Yoga
* Mantra Yoga
* Japa yoga
* Pranayama
* Bhawana techniques
* Meditation
Aerobics- Fun loving workout with free hand work out
* Dumbell aerobics
* Stepboard aerobics
* boot camp
* functional training
* calisthenics
* stretches
* Hollywood Bollywood dance aerobics
Medical Theraphy Yoga- Yoga for physical & mental disease
* Yoga for High BP
* Yoga for Back pain
* Yoga gerontology
* Yoga for heart
* Yoga for obesity
* Yoga for dieabics
* Yoga for stress management.
Self Awareness Program-
*Pranav Sadhana
* Tratak
* Mudra & Bandha
* Sakshi Bhawana
* Nitya Anitya Bhawana
* Affirmations & different types of meditation.