
With the ongoing outbreak of a pandemic situation, many organizations are still operating remotely. And many of them are considering adapting and continue this changed working scenario in the future too. Working from home requires discipline and commitment. Daily practice of yoga asanas cultivates the required focus and increases productivity and efficiency.  

While working from home seems a more convenient option for many, it too has its own loopholes and distractions. Working hours have been increased due to the extra time required to channelize the proper communication, leading to a mental state of worry and stress. As a parent or a family member you have the children to attend, parents to taken care of, spouse, and other family members who require your time.  

Yoga asanas for work from home people

With all these distractions and commitments, is your productivity still intact? Are you finding it challenging to keep a balance between personal and professional life? Do you want a way to handle stress and fatigue? Practicing yoga asanas boosts your memory and concentration, improve your multitasking efficiency, and increase your productivity. Practice these yoga asanas (or take help from an expert yoga trainer) for your physical and mental well-being while working from home.  

1. Tadasana 

This yoga asana is a back and shoulder stretching standing pose. It is an easy pose and can be performed effortlessly by a beginner. It prepares your body for long working hours and calms the mind. Improving the overall body posture, it creates self-awareness. It strengthens thighs, ankles, and feet thus increasing your seating capacity. This asana helps to relax the mind and tones abdomen muscles. 

yoga asanas for work from home - tadasana at shwet yoga classes and courses in thane west

2. Naukasana  

You need to keep the gaze on the toes of legs while holding this pose, increasing your focus. This is one of the best yoga asanas to strengthen your lower back, stomach, and leg muscles. It relaxes the body after long compelling working hours. A sedentary lifestyle leads to weight gain. Naukasana improves the digestive system and keeps weight under control. It tones the waist and removes gastrointestinal discomfort. It eliminates lethargy and stimulates the hormonal system.  

yoga asanas for work from home - Naukasana at shwet yoga classes and courses in thane west

 3. Phalakasana  

 It is helpful to strengthen the calves, arms, and shoulders. It makes the spine and abdominal muscles robust and eliminates the fat saturation around the waist. It stimulates your chakra and improves the balance in the central nervous system. Phalakasana is highly beneficial to instill positive feelings and energizing the whole body. It is helpful to develop a sense of inner equilibrium and harmony. 

yoga asanas for work from home - Phalakasana at shwet yoga classes and courses in thane west

4. Yastikasana 

It is an ultimate simple yoga asana to destress and remove all the fatigue. This is often an exceptional stretch for creating the supple spine. It tones up the whole nervous system and also stretches the muscles and joints of the body. It also gently rubs the digestive organs and restores the method of digestion, thus facilitating you to sleep well. Additionally, it also improves blood circulation and soothes the mind. It is especially beneficial for sound sleep in stressed working professionals. 

yoga asanas for work from home - Yastikasana at shwet yoga classes and courses in thane west

5. Ustrasana 

Due to the improper seating arrangement at home, we tend to slouch more than in our office setting. To straighten our back and to give it a good stretch, Ustrasana is the perfect yoga asana. It is also helpful to relax the strained neck. This backward banding pose makes your spine flexible and gives a good opening to your hip muscles.  

yoga asanas for work from home - Ustrasana at shwet yoga classes and courses in thane west

6. Kurmasana 

Kurmasana or tortoise pose resembles the tortoise that withdraws in its shell when threatened or endangered. This asana enables you to withdraw the curtails pertaining due to the outside world and reconnect yourself to the inner you. It gives the euphoric feeling of establishing a connection with your inner world. It relaxes your head, neck, and shoulders. It is a great stress buster relaxing your mind and treating insomnia. 

yoga asanas for work from home - Kurmasana at shwet yoga classes and courses in thane west

7. Sarvangasana 

This inverted asana gives a good blood supply to the brain and the whole body. When we are continuously seating in a single pose without any significant body movement, it becomes very necessary to keep the blood flowing making sure a continuous supply of oxygen to all organs. Otherwise, this lack of blood and oxygen supply further escalates the health issues.  

8. Gomukhasana 

Gomukhasana or cow face pose is a seated pose usually used for meditation purposes. This is one of the few yoga asanas you can perform easily even while sitting in front of the desk. It stretches the thigh, thorax, hips, and ankle. It removes the stiffness from hips joints and improves the flexibility of the back. It improves kidney functioning and beneficial to those who are suffering from diabetes.   

yoga asanas for work from home - Gomukhasana at shwet yoga classes and courses in thane west

9. Deep breathing exercises 

Equal breathing 

Yoga has been studied from a medical perspective for several years. Studies find that equal breath-related yoga practices can calm your autonomic nervous system, naturally reducing stress hormones within the body. It also helps focus your mind and may be utilized in meditation practice. 

yoga asanas for work from home - Equal breathing pranayama at shwet yoga classes and courses in thane west

Bhramari Pranayama 

Brahmari is a Sanskrit word for “bee”. As we do this pranayama a sound is made almost like the bee hence the name. Very calming pranayama and helpful for the working professionals affected by insomnia, anxiety, and nervousness. Take an extended, continuous, smooth inhalation through the nostrils. While exhaling from the throat create a humming sound. The inhaling and exhaling process need to be non-jerky, steady, and unhurried. 

Our work is our commitment and duty, which gives us our identity. But while committing to our duties and liabilities, we must also not neglect our first liability, that is, our health. Boost your health with our yoga classes in thane.

This is completely a new experience for everyone, where all old notions are breaking and new rules are replacing them for a better and safer tomorrow. Take care of your health with these highly beneficial yoga asanas and keep working hard! 

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