
Everyone knows yoga is full of health benefits. But are you aware that these yoga asanas are also your best assets to gain a lot of beauty benefits too? Yes, you are hearing it right! When it comes to beautifying yourself from within then there is no better option than YOGA.

When you are healthy from the inside out, free of all toxins, each part of your body filled with oxygen and vital nutrients, then that radiating persona and glow are unmatchable. This is the main reason every beauty adviser will definitely recommend yoga along with other suggestions like diet, hydration, and a good care routine.

How practicing yoga poses helps in hair growth?

Healthy hair is the result of good care, a nutritious diet, stress-free life, sound sleep, and a healthy scalp. Practicing various inversion and relaxing yoga poses makes sure that your scalp gets the optimum blood flow, nutrition should reach the hair follicles, and you can lead a stress-free disciplined lifestyle with no issues such as insomnia. It healthyfies your body from the inside, promotes internal healing, and ensures the removal of toxins from the body. It not only reduces hair fall but also helps in improving the hair texture also.

Here is the list of yoga poses beneficial for hair growth-

1) Shirsasana

Shirsasana is known to be the best asana for hair growth. This inverted pose directs the oxygen-rich blood to the facial skin enriching the complexion. It prevents hair fall, hair loss, and premature greying of hair. It prevents and cures the baldness caused due to bad blood flow to the scalp. Apart from sending the enriched blood to the brain it also directs it to the scalp. It needs to be performed under the careful guidance of an expert yoga coach to avoid neck injury.

Yoga poses at shwet (best) yoga classes in thane west

2) Hastapadasana

This asana helps to reduce tiredness and fatigue. It brings down the blood flow towards your head thus making your scalp healthy. This forward bending asana boosts hair health as the nutrition flow through the influx of blood, reviving your lifeless hair, and stimulating healthy hair growth.

Yoga poses at shwet (best) yoga classes in thane west

3) Sarvangasana

Another benefiting asana is the shoulder stand or Sarvangasana. It strengthens the heart and lungs, improves the respiratory and nervous system, reduces constipation, and improves strength and flexibility. It calms your mind and relieves stress. It improves the overall health making it the queen of all asanas.

Yoga poses at shwet (best) yoga classes in thane west

4) Chakarasana

Chakrasana is often considered to reduce belly fat and increase the flexibility of the spine. But very few know that it is highly beneficial in reducing hair fall too. Fresh oxygenated blood gets smoothly into the brain during its practice, providing suitable nutrients to the hair follicle. It stimulates the thyroid and pituitary gland thus balancing the hormones.

Yoga poses at shwet (best) yoga classes in thane west

5) Kurmasana

Kurmasana or tortoise pose resembles the tortoise that withdraws in its shell when threatened or endangered. This asana enables you to withdraw the curtails pertaining due to the outside world and reconnect yourself to the inner you. It gives the euphoric feeling of establishing a connection with your inner world. It relaxes your head neck and shoulders. It is a great stress buster relaxing your mind and treating insomnia.

Yoga poses at shwet (best) yoga classes in thane west

6) Viparit Dandasana

This is a complex exercise and is advised to perform under your yoga trainer’s observation. It improves flexibility and opens up the chest, and stimulates the adrenal, thyroid, pituitary, and pineal glands. This is the perfect remedy to treat depression. It helps in building emotional stability and boosting confidence.

Yoga poses at shwet (best) yoga classes in thane west

7) Adho mukh svanasana

All sort of hair problem is solved if you regularly practice the Adho Mukho Svanasana. Its benefits are considered on par with the Sarvangasana. It pumps the oxygenated blood to your whole body, especially to the head. It is beneficial in treating the balding and dry, Brittle hair as the nutrition is supplied adequately through proper blood circulation.

Yoga poses at shwet (best) yoga classes in thane west

Additionally, Pranayama, meditation, and various breathing exercises such as alternate nostril cleansing, kapalbhati, bhramari pranayama, and similar kriyas fill your body with oxygen. It has a soothing effect on your body thus calming the mind and reducing stress. Its regular practice enhances your overall beauty including lustrous hair.

Yoga, pranayama, and meditation cleanse and heals your body internally. This helps to maintain good scalp hygiene and healthy, voluminous hair. Regular practice of these asanas can show hair regrowth. Consult our expert yoga teachers for more details about yoga and its benefits.

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